Monday, July 4, 2011

Summer Vacay

 Hola people of Earth and beyond! This is TOD here to talk about one thing: SUMMER VACATION! Sorry, i felt the need to scream. 
 This past school year has been filled with change, happiness, and of course some education. Change has occurred this year because I just started the whole process of changing classes, lockers, and meeting new people from other schools. I have made tons of new friends from all the different elementary schools, we have become super close throughout the year. My favorite class this year was Digital Literacy. Dig-lit class is when you learn different skills on Mac computers. For example, we learned how to morph different animal parts together on Photoshop to create a new kind of animal. That was one of our projects, I created a Gorifishrd. This distinct animal has the head of a gorilla, body of a fish, and talons of a bird (a pic is linked on here).                   Gorifishrd Dig-lit Project Link
 My least favorite class this year was Health. I don't know if health will always be my least favorite because it was only one unit we did this year that made me hate health class. The unit was......suicide......(scary music please). We read almost 5 cases of kids that were bullied or cyberbullied so hard that they wanted their life to end so they killed themselves. It was a very depressing unit.
 Anyway (on that happy note) school was fun this year; my teachers were great,  I learned a lot, made new BFFs, and became more independent. 


P.S. Another extra credit project I did was create a screaming apple so you can take a look at that too! TaTa ;)
Screaming Apple Dig-lit Project Link

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